About Us
Our Story
The story of Blair and Deb
goes back a long way
The story of Blair and Deb goes back a long way to a couple of high school sweethearts. Eight years of dating realized lots of shared dreams and goals that led to marriage in 1992. Living in various small towns where they worked, raised 3 children they adore, and were part of the community was a great foundation for opening their home to family, friends, and strangers alike while making friends along the way.
Blair developed strong family values and customer-focused business skills that he learned while working with his parents in the Insurance Business. Instilling these values in his staff and children has been an ongoing purpose along with encouraging others to live them out in their most valued relationships. He loves trying new things and is truly an entrepreneur at heart.
Being an only child helped make Deb’s desire for family even stronger as she grew up. Being a mom and caring for others is truly what she loves to do while tackling any of her trades like teaching, selling real estate, and developing herself in entrepreneurship.
Together Blair and Deb have always loved the rustic, natural beauty of log homes and dreamt of retiring in a small log cabin off-grid someday.

Although they have toured, contacted, and followed many log home builders over the years, a connection was made with a small firm out of Scotch Creek, British Columbia that came to life when Brian called them in July 2018. North American Log Crafters had an unexpected opening for them to realize their dream.
Instead of a small, log cabin off grid Blair and Deb saw the timing was perfect for them to launch the build of a log home Bed and Breakfast in conjunction with a new business venture that was only weeks off the ground. A Second Family Dog Lodge would be a loving home away from home for the fur babies of local dog owners while their home, Living Skies Lodge would be a home away from home for any stranger on a journey of friend in need.
Although it seemed crazy to launch two businesses at the same time, Blair and Deb were excited to be able to provide much needed services for their amazing South East Saskatchewan communities.
A Second Family Dog Lodge launched officially December 7, 2018
They loved caring for dogs, communicating with fur babies and clients, figuring out social media, developing policies and procedures, and building relationships to encourage a culture of trust and excellent care but soon needed a team to help them grow. 2019 was a successful year of growth, learning, and team work in more ways than one!
Blair and Deb are forever grateful for the many young people who joined them on this adventure!
To date, the staff at A Second Family Dog Lodge and Living Skies Lodge have been integral in growing Blair and Deb into the leaders and coaches they are today. They have been able to utilize their training, certification, and life experiences to encourage individuals to bring their best selves to the world.
Want to Know More?
Working with human potential is exhilarating and can never be relegated to one method or one size fits all. We love discovering your specific needs and designing a program especially tailored to you. What does that mean?
Let’s chat!
What Can We Do For You?
Coaching is only one framework we use to help you reach your dreams and goals. There are always times when you may need expertise to propel you to that next level.
Ask about our Consulting Services so we can determine whether we have the expertise you need or can help you find the resource that’s right for you.